
  • “the space to surrender and let go with safety and relaxation was divine!"

    Atuning to grace and stillness is the vibe from Zenthai sessions with Nicholas. On several occasions the space to surrender and let go with safety and relaxation was divine! Feeling seen and heard on the mat with his articulate and respectful hands is soul opening and journed myself into joyful inner reflections
    — Audante

  • "Nico has an incredible talent for holding space and adjusting the body with precision and care"

    I recently had the pleasure of receiving a zentai massage from Nico, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

    Nico has an incredible talent for holding space and adjusting the body with precision and care.

    Throughout the session, I felt completely at ease as Nico skillfully moved my joints and aligned everything perfectly, easing tightness without causing any extra tension.

    His hands work magic, and the way he realign the body is simply amazing.

    If you’re looking for a transformative and deeply relaxing experience, Nico is the person to see!
    — Eva

  • “Nicholas is a role model to our son simply by being a beautiful example of a human that embodies grace, authenticity and warmth"

    Our son Z had his first music lesson with Nicholas when he was 10 years old in 2020. Nicholas developed rapport immediately with Z and has continued to teach, support and mentor Z on his musical journey. As parents, we highly value Nicholas's connection with Z. Nicholas is a role model to our son simply by being a beautiful example of a human that embodies grace, authenticity and warmth. I asked Z to express why he enjoys lessons with Nicholas. He stated: Nicholas is funny, creative and easy going. He understands where I am at and will adapt his approach to meet my need.
    — Betty

  • " I recommend Nic's classes to anyone wanting to further their energetic self awareness and learn new ways to look at and after themselves"

    Working with Nic in one of his unique Zenthai workshops was a wholly enjoyable and learning experience.

    Nics flavour of creativity, personality and humour shone through his education and movements imparting the joy of Zenthai and Five Element Theory. Learning Qi Gong movements and dynamic practice for each Element allowed me to fully appreciate my own body's functioning and to creatively drop into presence and awareness of self at any given time . 

    Over a few hours I worked with body movement and somatic awareness in relation to the Element studied at the time. I was taught meridian lines and acupressure points in relation to a particular Element and the corresponding organs, body parts and movements that each related to. It was fascinating! We then practiced these on fellow students experiencing the receiving and giving of these gestures Nic had just taught. It was immersive tactile learning being able to follow Nic's demonstration and explanation of the gestures whilst working simultaneously on fellow students. All of this was done in the safe container of the group where humour and fun were balanced with respectful boundaries and clear focused direction. Such a great way to learn and be taught about one's own body and energetic systems! I recommend Nic's classes to anyone wanting to further their energetic self awareness and learn new ways to look at and after themselves into the future.
    — Peta

  • "I love the way he guides us from what I perceive as a deeply embodied knowledge!"

    I have experienced a couple of Nic’s workshops and I love the way he guides us from what I perceive as a deeply embodied knowledge!

    He curates an amount of information that my brain and body can assimilate easily. His workshops are also super lighthearted and fun inviting my inner child to play and be curious.

    I would love attend workshops for all the elements!
    – Cami

  • "I feel spacious, energized and relaxed the following day and sometimes up to a week after"

    The 2.5 hr Tuesday night Zen Thai flow class at The Nook in Mullum, is cosy and lush.

    I feel spacious, energized and relaxed the following day and sometimes up to a week after doing Zenthai flow.

    The class is structured yet flexible, allowing what is in the moment, to emerge in an organic flow.

    Every week, our bodies get to play with New movements either by free flow stretching, qigong, doing partner yoga or Zen Thai shiatsu technics which are refined each time we meet on the mat.

    Highly recommend Nicholas, he is a wonderful facilitator.
    – Moana