
embodinow zenthai flow

I love playing with where we place our attention while evoking novel and creative movement practices which help us to discover new pathways of movement and perspective.

I love the depth of consideration that workshop preparation inspires in me. When combined with poise and a readiness to move with what arises in the moment, what emerges can feel boundless, free, sometimes awkward, sad, jovial - things become more viscerally real.

I acknowledge all of my teachers, allies and the mystery of life with respect for helping me to bring this gift into form. Here's to staying humble, curious and generous with it.

A rush of sensitivity.
Heart's sonar in my cheek.
Index detection. Inadvertent.
Rippling out is the truth;
This is always so:
the intensely sensitive world being lived,
while you're up in your head.
To the music of:
Lisa Morgenstern - My Boat
Katu - Spleen
Perfume Genius - Some Dream