zenthai sessions

Listening deeply while cultivating safety and relaxation, where transformation can occur.
“When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

a practice of reverence and humility intended to support your body’s ability to regulate and recover.

My work cultivates safety and efficacy through sensitised atunement to my clients.

Through the verbal conversations and the communication between bodies during a session, I work with competence and clarity of mind in order to listen deeply to your needs and respond accordingly.

Client needs range broadly; from physical injury rehabilitation, emotional injury and trauma to nervous system disregulation, issues with digestion, insomnia, lethargy, anxiety, depression, and more.

There is so much that this practice can be helpful with, but I am not the perfect practitioner - no one is.

I have observed that often people are drawn to my work by their intuition’s knowing that what I offer has something that will benefit them.

You can see testimonials from clients I’ve worked with at embodinow.com

In gratitude to all of my clients for showing up for themselves and working with me to make life on this planet better.